Saturday, February 6, 2010

Being Sick Sucks

For the past few days I have been sick. It has been horrible having to deal with Strep Throat and an Ear Infection at the same time. I'm hoping to get better soon, although the doctor said it would be gone in about four days. I have to take my medicine three times a day for seven days, and I started taking my medicine three days ago. My throat and ear have been hurting for eight days now, and the agony is killing me! I cant wait for it all to be over. Just four days, now! You can do it, Ashley, you can do it! Oh, I forgot to introduce myself! Haha! My name is Ashley. I am almost twelve years old. Well, anyway, back to the story. This week, out of five days, I have only been to school two days. I have a lot of catch-up homework to do. I'll talk to you guys later. If you would like to contact me, email me at Thanks, guys!